Division of Campus Life
Brown Center for Students of Color

Heritage Series

The BCSC, in collaboration with student organizations, academic and co-curricular departments as well as other centers, sponsor and collaborates on over 50 lectures and programs throughout the academic year to which all Brown students are invited surrounding topics of race, cultural celebration, social justice and resistance. They are represented in our six Heritage Series.

Asian/Asian American Heritage Series

The Asian/Asian American Heritage Series (AAHS) is a merger of Asian/ Asian American History Month, South Asian Identity Week and Southeast Asian Heritage Week. Programmers are to provide events designed to encompass all aspects of the Asian identity. 

Black Heritage Series

The Black Heritage Series (BHS) is a product of the merging of Black Heritage Series, Caribbean Heritage Week, and Cape Verdean Heritage Weekend. Programmers of the Black Heritage Series are able to provide the campus community with programming from all areas of the African diaspora. 

Latinx Heritage Series

The Latinx Heritage Series (LHS) is a product of the merging of Latinx History Month, Semana Chicana, and Puerto Rican Identity Week. In this series, students are encouraged to program not only within these cultural constraints, but to encompass all areas of the Latin@ identity. Latinx Heritage Series Programmers are responsible for coordinating and programming events, workshops, and discussions focused on Latinx communities. 

Multiracial Heritage Series

Originally known as Multiracial Identity Week, programmed as a week in October, the Multiracial Heritage Series (MRHS) now spans the entire academic year. The goal of the week has traditionally been to address issues that foster dialogue on race and identity, to reach Brown’s diverse population, and ultimately to establish bridges across racial difference. A few of the signature events from the series: Multiracial Family Brunch and Loving Week.

Native American Heritage Series

The Native American Heritage Series (NAHS), in collaboration with Native Americans at Brown (NAB) and the Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAISI) focuses on the politics and culture of Native Americans. Signature events of the series includes annual Spring Thaw Pow Wow and Indigenous People's Day gathering.

South West Asian Northern African Heritage Series

The Southwest Asian North African (SWANA) Heritage Series (SHS) was established in the Fall of 2016. Students and staff recognized that the Heritage Series was structurally exclusive and that the incorporation of Southwest Asian and North African (SWANA) programming was necessary because that racialized experienced was not adequately addressed in any existing series.